
Read the course.

Darren C. Hill
President & CEO
Born in Dallas, grew up in North Texas, went to the University of North Texas, have lived, worshiped, raised a family, and worked in the area my entire career. So, "Yes, I'm from here!"
I became interested in investing at a young age. Mom helped me mail my lawn mowing money to a mutual fund I researched. I'll never forget watching it go up and down in value. Later, I used those proceeds (with profit!) to buy my first car that had to be towed home. Dad and I rebuilt it in the garage. Those experiences taught me to work hard, be smart, and plan for the future. Since then, I've always had the desire to help others understand the benefits of investing for a future goal.
And this is why I became a wealth manager. I enjoy helping others successfully reach their financial and life goals.
From this website, you might have guessed that I enjoy sailing. In fact, I have been sailing since my youth, and have had a lifelong interest in the sport. In college, I was president of the sailing team. And today, I manage and sponsor the UNT sailing team at our local yacht club. I still enjoy racing sailboats and my team is ranked, let's just say, "in the top ten" of our division.
Some say racing sailboats is like chess on the water. You need to know when to take the lifts, and when to tack. I enjoy the tactical, mental, and physical challenge of it all. Others say there are a lot of similarities between racing sailboats and managing money in today's markets. You need to know when to stay long and when to rotate. Experience, knowledge, preparation, and being able to "read" the course are things I enjoy, whether on the racecourse or advising clients.

Taylor Snyder
Client Relations Associate
Taylor Snyder is a recent University of North Texas graduate with a BBA in Accounting. Currently, she is studying for the general securities exam and the certified financial planner exam. During her time off she is an accomplished sailor, and enjoys offshore sailboat racing.